What Future World? aims to create a better future by developing a detailed vision for an ideal future world and the strategy for achieving it. It is both more focused than a traditional blog and more engaging than a wiki. Initially there will be one essay per week and soon I hope to launch an interview series. In time, we will open up greater community participation beyond the feedback form and comments section.
First, read more on What is 'What Future World?'?, then see Why 'What Future World?'?, and finally our Principles for what we stand for as a community and how we agree to conduct ourselves. Then dive into the content from there.
WFW? was launched on January 4th, 2024 by me, David Corfield, after learning that while there were a few folks researching how to ensure AI doesn't lead to human extinction or dystopia, there was nobody thinking about what positive future we want AI to enable. You can read about my personal fit for starting the WFW? project, and more on my background at my personal site.
Why subscribe?
The primary reason is to join the community. At first, the only way to contribute your thoughts to this community will be through comments and feedback forms, both of which require you to be signed in to your account. Beyond that, it's the convenience of having all new content delivered to your inbox.
Please share your thoughts if you have any feedback on our about page.